Can a 5 Year Old Learn to Code?

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Here at Coder Kids, we say YES!

When a 5 year old child learns to code, they aren’t going to be designing the next world-famous video game. But they can learn basic coding concepts which will help them in their coding journey. They’ll learn coding fundamentals and you’ll be surprised at the cool things they can actually create! For more information on why younger kids should learn to code, click here.

Just like older kids (or even adults) who are learning to code, 5 year olds start learning with the basics. These are the fundatmentals we think everyone should master when they are learning to code:

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  • Logic

  • Decomposition

  • Sequencing

  • Patience

Coding Basics

Let’s take a quick look at each of these basics and why they’re important.


Logic refers to the structure and arrangement of a task. If your task is to walk from your bedroom to the kitchen, you could walk to the bathroom first, go outside, jump up and down, and spin in circles before you go to the kitchen. But the most logical (most efficient structure and arrangement), is to simply walk in a straight line from your bedroom to the kitchen.


Decomposition is breaking a larger task down into smaller, logical steps. It is imperative for coders to understand that they must tell the computer (or whatever they are coding) EVERY SINGLE THING it needs to do. Even if something seems obvious to us, it’s not to a computer. A computer can only do what we code it to do. So if we want to code a robot to go from the bedroom to the kitchen, we would need to break it down into smaller steps: turn right, take 2.5 steps, quarter turn left, step up 4 stairs, turn left, walk 10 steps, stop.

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Sequencing means the order in which directions are given. When you’re coding, the computer can only do what we tell it to do in the order we tell it to do it. So even if the instructions are all correct, if they’re not in the right order, it won’t work.


Patience in coding is the same as patience in any facet of life: the ability to tolerate trouble or difficulty without getting upset or angry. Learning to code can be frustrating at times because it requires a lot of trial and error. Learning to slow down and that mistakes are ok helps kids increase their patience and this skill will help them in their coding journey.


With the basics of logic, decomposition, sequencing and patience mastered (or at least improving), even a 5 year old will be able to make animations, stories, and simple games like mazes.

Using online platforms like Scratch and Scratch Jr, the project possiblities for a 5 year are endless. On these websites you’ll find ideas and help for cool projects that even little kids can make.

For some great beginner projects for 5 year olds designed to help them master coding basics (along with tips for the grown ups), check out our blogpost, 7 ScratchJr Projects for Kids.

If you are looking for more resources to help young kids learn to code, we’ve got you covered here. You’ll find info for apps, games and websites that are great ways for 5 year olds to learn to code.

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