At Coder Kids, we teach all kids computer programming for a reasonable cost compared to other technology camps. Our vision is bigger than just being your neighborhood coding program for one demographic. We believe in coding instruction for EVERYONE.

We are a socially conscious business that cares about serving all populations, and we utilize our revenues to allow us to partner with non-profits and low-income schools where we charge subsidized rates to teach our classes.

We offer scholarships for our summer camps and frequently enroll students in our camps who cannot pay the full amount.

At Coder Kids, we believe in hiring a diverse workforce and do not discriminate based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other factors. We want to find people who love technology and are willing to share that love!

We are passionate about computer programming - for the awesome software that we can develop in our day but also for the way it helps us to think better, to analyze more deeply, and to understand the world we live in.

Join our mission today by teaching for us, partnering with us, or joining us in a class. We want to partner with people all across the United States!

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