Top 5 ScratchJr Camps for Kids

For information about Coder Kids classes and camps, including online ScratchJr classes, visit

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Do you have a young child who is interested in learning to code? Or do you want to introduce them to coding in a fun and exciting way? ScratchJr is a great place to start! ScratchJr camps for kids are an awesome way to introduce kids to coding fundamentals throught ScratchJr.

Looking for some fun ScratchJr projects to try at home? Check out this blogpost.

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What is ScratchJr?

ScratchJr is a free app and website designed for introducing coding basics to young children. ScrathJr is designed for pre-readers, so it is simple to learn and use. It’s a precursor to Scratch, and really helps kids learn coding fundamentals in a fun, creative way so that they are ready to use Scratch later.

ScratchJr is a block-based coding program. The coding blocks are labeled with colors and pictures instead of words so that they are easily accessible for children who can’t read/haven’t mastered reading yet. Kids typically need some adult instruction to explain what the blocks do, but because the concepts are simple, they can begin creating and exploring after that. For more information on what young kids can learn from coding, take a look at this blogpost.


Why Go to a ScratchJr Camp?

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If ScratchJr is so simple and easy to use, you may be wondering why a ScratchJr camp is a good idea and not a waste of money?

In order for kids to really reap the benefits of ScratchJr, they’ll need to do more than just explore on their own. In a ScratchJr camp, kids can explore and create, while they are consistently working on coding fundamentals. In a ScratchJr camp, students will use ScratchJr to develop coding skills in logic, decomposition, sequencing and patience. Teachers help kids develop these skills through different project prompts and explanations. This experience gives kids a more indepth understanding of coding fundamentals and how they work inside of coding projects.


Qualities to Look For

Before we get to our list of the Top 5 ScratchJr Camps for Kids, there are a few things to keep in mind when you are looking for a ScratchJr Camp for Kids:

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  • Variety - You don’t want your child to do the same exact thing over and over, everyday of the coding camp. Look for camps with a variety of activities, projects and teaching styles.

  • Location - Decide if you want an in-person or online ScratchJr camp experience. If you want an in-person camp, finding a location near you could be an issue. Some companies, like Coder Kids, have several locations in one area and offer online camps and classes as well. If you go with an online camp, be sure you know the times of the camp in your time zone.

  • Individualized - A quality ScratchJr camp for kids will allow for individualized instruction and creativity with projects. There shouldn’t be so many students in a class that the teacher doesn’t have time to help everyone. Kids should also be able to customize and create projects the way they want to, while following general guidelines to learn a certain skill.

  • Quality Teachers - The teachers are the ones who will be interacting with your child all day at camp. Teachers should know their subject matter and be able to work well with kids. Look for positive reviews about the teachers at any camp you are thinking about. You should also be able to get in touch with teachers easily and have a quick response.

  • Affordability - There are ScratchJr camps at every budget, but you get what you pay for to a certain extent. However, there are several ScratchJr camps for kids that are affordable and offer exceptional programming. Make sure you find a camp that includes all of the qualities listed above at any price point.

And now, our Top 5 ScratchJr Camps for Kids!


Coder Kids is a Texas-based company that has been offering summer camps, after school programs and private lessons since 2016. They expanded to include online camps and lessons in 2020. While most of their in person camps are in Texas, they are planning to expand to other states (for more information on having Coder Kids come to your location, click here).

Coder Kids offers several different sessions through out the summer of ScratchJr camps, so you should be able to find one that fits your schedule. They will continue to offer in person as well as online ScratchJr camps going forward. To check out all of their camp options, click here. Coder Kids’ ScratchJr camps are project-based. Students learn the fundamentals of computer programming through a combonation of animations, interactive stories and simple games.

Coder Kids camp are affordable and provide quality teachers for both in person and online camps. ScratchJr camps are typically 3 hours/day , Monday-Friday Their teachers have a computer science/education background, so they know the material and how to work well with kids! Learn more about their Coding Foundations camps here.


Classroom Antics is an Ohio and Michigan-based company. They offer STEAM in-person and virtual camps for kids ages 6-13. They offer several different sessions of their ScratchJr camp throughout the summer in each of their current locations (Akron, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Dayton), so if you are in the area, there should be a session that works for your schedule.

Classroom Antics’ teachers have an educational background or degree in teaching, so they know how to work with kids and encourage their learning. Classroom Antics prices vary based on whether it is in person, online or full or half day.

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Code Advantage offers online camps in a variety of topics. Code Advantage camps are exclusively online. Unlike other camps, Code Advantage camps are just once a week for an hour for 8 weeks. They have 4 separate ScratchJr camp courses (you must complete level 1 before doing level 2). They specify that parental help may be needed during these online camps.

The instructors at Code Advantage have a technical background and prior work experience with kids. Prices are typically around $229 for 1 hour/week for 8 weeks.


CodingKidz offers in person classes and camps in New York City as well as online options. Their ScratchJr camps (online) are for 2 hours each day, Monday-Friday. In these ScratchJr camps, kids design and name their own wacky characters and then learn to code their characters to jump, dance, race, dribble basketballs, etc. in order to learn basic coding skills.

The instructors are professionals with experience in diverse technology fields. Online camps (2 hours/day, Monday-Friday) usually cost around $150. logo.png

Learn2Code.Live offers exclusively online coding camps and classes for kids. Their ScratchJr camps are 1 hour/day for 4 consecutive days. Camps focus on using stories and animations to teach coding fundamentals of sequencing, pattern and recognition.

Instructors at Learn2Code.Live are usually computer science college students. Their ScratchJr camps typically run $120 for 4 hours of instruction.



If you have a young child who is interested in coding, or whom you would like to expose to coding, ScratchJr camps are a excellent way to do it! ScratchJr camps are fun, creative ways for young kids to really focus and begin to master coding fundamentals like logic, sequencing, decompositiion and patience.

What did you think of our Top 5 ScratchJr Camps for Kids? Did we miss any you think should be included? Let us know in the comments!

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Sarah Batmale