Summer Programs for Kids – Getting Started with Coding

For information about Coder Kids classes and camps, including online coding and gaming topics, visit

kids smliing at each other using a tablet

Getting kids started with coding might seem like an impossible task, but doesn’t have to be! If kids have access to the right tools and programs, they can get started with coding quickly and easily, and have fun too!

How can parents get their kids started with coding, especially if they don’t have any computer programming background themselves?  

Enrolling kids in summer programs that teach coding, help them develop new skills, and make lasting friendships is a great place to start! Online alternatives are also a great option if a face-to-face learning environment is not a feasible option for you.

In this post, we’ll shares quick tips on how parents can get kids started in coding, as well as information on getting expert help through awesome coding summer programs for kids.

young boy working on a laptop sitting at a desk

Coding for Kids: What It’s all About

Coding is telling a computer what to do using step-by-step instructions or commands. It is used to create apps that run on computers and smartphones and games that run on different consoles.

Coding for kids involves all the opportunities involved in getting children to participate in programming at an early age. These include gaming camps, online classes, after-school classes, and summer programs for kids.

While coding is generally perceived as complex, children’s programs are designed to be educational and fun. This way, kids learn the basics of coding in a fun environment and then they can build on the basics as they get older and their skills improve.

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Benefits of Coding

There are a lot of great benefits that come with learning to code. In this post, we’ll go through a few benefits of coding, but you can read about more of them here. You can also check out episode 3 of the Coder Kids Podcast, where we talk about the Academic Benefits of Coding.

Coding is fun and fulfilling

It is fun and satisfying to see your creativity come to life in animations, video games, apps, and more. While the process can be challenging, it’s also really rewarding in the end.

It improves creativity

Learning to express yourself in a language that computers can understand is not a small feat. Coding gives kids the chance to tap into their imagination and creativity and create their own video games and apps instead of just playing one or using an already-made option.

young girls working on laptop

Coding improves collaboration and communication

Gaming camps, in-person learning environments, interactive online classes, and summer programs for kids allow children to work together to solve problems.

It might not seem obvious but learning to break down complex instructions into simple steps for computers to understand improves communication skills in kids. And ass kids ask each other questions and for help, they improve their social skills as well.

Coders have a competitive advantage

Coding is not a common skill among many people. Coders are in high demand, and if kids learn coding at an early age, (and they like it) they’ll have a head start if they choose to pursue coding as a career.

Coding Improves Perseverance and Persistence

Any coder will tell you that learning to code can be quite challenging and involves making plenty of mistakes. The good thing is that making mistakes and overcoming challenges teach persistence perseverance –  life skills that will prove highly useful in all future endeavors.


Getting Your Kid Started with Coding

Here are simple things you can do to encourage your kids to learn to code during the summer months.

young girl on laptop smiling

Talk About Coding in Simple Terms

Talk about coding using everyday language, examples, and simple analogies. Kids will be more likely to want to keep learning about it if they already feel like they understand parts of it.

You can also point out to kids all of the activities they like doing, or devices they like to use, and how they all use coding. When kids understand that someone gets to create, design and code their favorite things, they might want to give it a try themselves!

Introduce Coding Languages

Telling the computer what to do requires the use of languages it can understand. While some parents may not know what these different coding languages are, a quick online search can give insight into the popular languages for communicating with machines.

Scratch is a great place to start. Scratch was developed by MIT and is a visual coding language that uses a simple drag-and-drop approach to build characters, animations, interactive stories, and games.

Learning the different coding languages is one of the advantages of signing up for summer programs for kids. Children can be exposed to languages such as JavaScript, Scratch, Python, and more!


Get Expert Help

If you’re teaching your kid how to code on your own, you might run into some speed bumps along the way (especially if you’re not quite an expert yet yourself). Getting some expert help is a great way to keep your kid learning, and keep your own sanity!

There are several ways to receive help. You can join online classes, visit free coding websites for kids that offer tutorials, enroll in after school classes, try private tutoring or sign up for coding summer programs.


Summer Programs for Kids

Here are 3 Terrific Coding Summer Programs for Kids!

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Coder Kids

Coder Kids is a Houston based company that has taught thousands of kids how to code! They provide online and in person summer camps (Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth area), and are planning to expand their in-person offerings.

Coder Kids offers a wide variety of topic options, for grades K-12! Younger kids learn the basics with ScratchJr, and then move on to Scratch, Python, JavaScript, C++, etc. Older kids even get to learn game design with Unity! Coder Kids also provides a great selection of gaming camps for kids of all ages. Coder Kids also has some unique camp options including YouTube101, Intro to Web Design for Young Entrepreneurs, and Drawing 101.

Coder Kids camps are affordable, receive excellent reviews from kids and parents, and their staff members are knowledgeable and work great with kids. They also offer scholarships to ensure all kids get the chance to learn to code.

Kids 4 Coding offers in-person and virtual coding summer camps for kids, ages 7-16. Their in-person camps are offered in Massachusetts and Georgia.

Kids ages 7-9 will learn coding using a combination of screens activities, robots, autonomous cars and augmented reality. For children ages 10-12, Kids 4 Coding start learning text-based coding languages like Python, Lua and Java. Kids ages 13-16 will learn to code in JavaScript, Java and C#, and they’ll work on web and mobile app projects.

Kids 4 Coding has a 5 to 1 student to teach ratio and affordable pricing. They recruit their instructors from top colleges and universities.

Camp EDMO offers in-person and online coding summer camps for kids. They offer their in-person camps in the San Francisco Bay Area. Camp EDMO offers several different types of summer camps, including coding camps.

Camp EDMO is focused on younger children, grades 1-6. They offer camps in Minecraft, Scratch, and a 3 week long animation coding camp!

Camp EDMO programs are interactive, fun and the staff is engaging and energetic. EDMO is a non-profit organization that works to cultivate curiosity and kindness in their participants. They also offer financial aid for families who need it.



There are a lot of ways to get your child started in coding, and one of the best ways to do it, is through summer programs for kids. We hope we’ve inspired you and your kids to get started with coding and that our tips and info on summer programs for kids is useful to you! Let us know in the comments!

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