JavaScript for Kids

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JavaScript is the language of the web. Most websites, interactive apps, and games use this programming language. If you’ve ever used Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome, you’ve encountered the power of JavaScript!

JavaScript is not limited to web pages, though. Programmers can use JavaScript to control robots and other devices as well.

But is JavaScript for kids? Can kids actually learn it?

Yes they can!

JavaScript for kids is a fun way for children to learn the basics of computer programming. Instead of merely using computers, learning JavaScript allows kids to control them!

two boys smiling looking at laptop

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is programming language used to giving instructions to a computer. When a web page responds to keystrokes from a keyboard or mouse actions, it is usually thanks to JavaScript. 

JavaScript is widely popular and the preferred programming language for most web developers because it converts web browsers into platforms for creating apps. Here’s what that means:

  • The programming language is frequently updated with newer versions

  • It seamlessly integrates with CSS and HTML

  • Developers can use JavaScript in the front- and back-end of web development

  • It allows for a smooth user experience and interaction when people use websites

·       JavaScript has a broad range of libraries and frameworks, allowing developers to effortlessly build enhanced and complex applications without spending too much money.

two girls sitting at desk looking at laptop

JavaScript for Kids – What can they do?

What does all of this mean for kids? How do codes go from lines of instructions to interaction  on a computer?

Think of JavaScript as the brain behind the operations in most web pages. It can react to what users input, run games, change what appears on a page, and more. It does all of this using statements.

While younger children may not fully grasp the concept of web development, they can use JavaScript codes or statements to do many things, including:

Creating Alerts and Buttons

The ability to make decisions during a game, browsing a web page or using an app can improve the overall user experience. JavaScript can be used to create buttons that will perform specific tasks when clicked.

Another way to create user interaction is through pop-up alerts with messages that show up on the screen.

Projectile Shooters

JavaScript allows programmers to use loops in creating games with characters that shoot other characters using projectiles. These games include collisions and instructions that let the game detect when a collision occurs. All of these add to the game score.

Generating Random Numbers

If you knew all the possible outcomes of a game, it would no longer be challenging. That’s where random numbers come in handy. They are often used in games to add originality and increase the challenge.

A typical example of where this is used is in the game of Tetris, where random numbers are used to determine what order the pieces will show up.

computer coding on screen

Common JavaScript Terms

The term “collision,” as used in a few paragraphs above, might not make much sense to you if it is your first time coming across it in that context. There are other JavaScript terms  that might not mean anything to you but are the foundation for learning the language.

Here is a handful of them and what they mean:

  • Script: A script is the steps written for a computer to follow

  • Variables: This refers to “containers” for storing a word, number, or other information

  • Loops: This is an instruction for the computer to repeat a block of code as long as a condition remains true

  • Keywords: These are words with pre-assigned meanings in a coding language

  • Colliders: These are unseen collision boxes that surround an object or image

What’s Covered in JavaScript for Kids?

Topics in typical JavaScript for kids might not be as in-depth as something you will find in a computer science degree program. However, summer camp courses in JavaScript cover just about everything children need to master the programming language.

Students can expect to cover the following topics:

  • JavaScript syntax

  • Variables

  • Expressions

  • Repetition

  • Sequencing

  • Nested loops

  • Operators

  • Conditional logic

  • Simple motion

  • Automation

  • Creating and using an HTML canvas

  • Pattern recognition

  • Keyboard and mouse events

  • Collision detection

  • Using arrays and objects to store structured data

girl writing on a notebook at a laptop

What Skills Do Students Learn?

Students will be exposed to a variety of programming skills, including:

  • JavaScript syntax

  • Creating and using variables

  • Writing JavaScript expressions as well as interpreting them

  • Using loops, conditional loops, and conditional logic in problem-solving

  • Detecting mouse and keyboard events

  • Detecting win/loss conditions in a game

  • Drawing images and displaying them on the HTML canvas

Storing structured data in objects and arrays

Kids who successfully complete a JavaScript for Kids course will be proficient in JavaScript syntax and show a high level of mastery when it comes to creating projects and debugging codes.

Students will be able to think up ideas for new games from scratch and follow through to the design and implementation phases. They can also confidently develop personalized versions of their favorite apps and games using JavaScript.

If you are looking to get your child started with JavaScript for kids, consider registering for an introductory course in JavaScript. The course is designed to help children transition from Scratch and other basic coding languages to the more advanced and widely used JavaScript. This course offers kids opportunities to challenge themselves to create better games, apps, and web pages. 


Learning JavaScript is the way to go for kids who are thinking of getting into web development. Many companies are on the lookout for young people who can masterfully use the programming language. Even if they aren’t interested in making a career out of coding, learning JavaScript provides kids with a foundational understanding of how coding, web development and app creation works. It improves their logic and problem-solving skills. It is also a great way for kids to express their creativity and bring their ideas to life!

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