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Fortnite Creative Projects: Scavenger Hunt and Maze

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Do you love Fortnite? Are you a parent of a child who loves Fortnite? As of March 2019, there were 250 million registered users for Fortnite, so chances are you and/or your child is a current, former, or future player of Fortnite. We have some suggestions of things you or your child can do to take a break from the regular aspects of Fortnite. Check out our cool Fortnite Creaive Projects!

Scavenger Hunt

James from Coder Kids created some really nice video tutorials for you or your kids to show you how to create great thematic Fortnite Creative Projects. Hopefully he will make more videos over time, but for now we have two.

The first is a Scavenger Hunt. In this video, the creator drops houses and places objects in them. Once your friends are in the game with you, the challenge is to find the hidden object. The first one to find the hidden object (or multiple objects) wins the game.

Castle Maze

The second project James created in Fortnite Creative was a maze project, where users have to find the right path to get to the end goal. You can make this maze as challenging as you want. My favorite part of this project is the ambient lighting that James adds to make it seem like a real haunted house.

There you have it! Two simple creative mode projects that are fun to create, fun to play, and totally kid-friendly! For more tips on Creative mode, keep an eye on our blog or check out the following book to support our work and learn more great skills!

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